Table 1 - Product
has_many :widget_groups
accepts_nested_attributes_for :produts_widget_groups
validates_uniqueness_of :name, on: :create,
if: proc { |product| product.has_category? }
Table 2 - ProductsWidgetGroup
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :widget_group
has_many :products_widget_group_deatils
Table 3 - ProductsWidgetGroupDetail
belongs_to :products_widget_group
belongs_to :product
accepts_nested_attributes_for :product
I have a form, which I am using to save the product in (table 1) and the sending the nested attributes for table 2 and table 3.
Here I am trying to put the unique name validation for product which we are saving through the table 3 but I have some issue with that.
I need to get the model validation error message for the product object of table 1 then only I can show them the error in the frond end. But here the validation error message going to the product object of table 3. Is there anyway we can achieve that?
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