vendredi 12 juillet 2019

Faraday post request with Rails form

I am trying to make a post request from my controller to a third party website using faraday but I can't get it to work?

I have a method in my homes controller to make the request, a route setup for the method and a form for my request but I can't get the request to be successful no idea what i am doing wrong

    def alpaca
        @conn ='') do |req|
          req.headers['APCA-API-KEY-ID'] = 'key'
          req.headers['APCA-API-SECRET-KEY'] = 'secret'
          req.body = "{'symbol': '#{params[:ticker]}'}"
          req.body = "{'qty': '#{params[:qty]}'}"
          req.body = "{'side': '#{params[:side]}'}"
          req.body = "{'type': '#{params[:ticker]}'}"
          req.body = "{'time_in_force': '#{params[:time_in_force]}'}"
        redirect_to homes_path

     resources :homes
      root 'homes#index'
      post '/alpaca', to: 'homes#alpaca'

     <%=form_tag alpaca_path do %>
     <%=label_tag "Ticker"%>
     <%=text_field_tag :ticker %>
     <%=label_tag "qty"%>
     <%=number_field_tag :qty %>
     <%=label_tag "side"%>
     <%=text_field_tag :side %>
     <%=label_tag "type"%>
     <%=text_field_tag :type %>
     <%=label_tag "time_in_force"%>
     <%=text_field_tag :time_in_force %>

I am trying to get this form to post the params passed in sent to alpaca's trading api

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