lundi 3 juin 2019

Rails Active Admin menu :label is not working anymore

After updating from activeadmin 1.0.0.pre5 to 1.0.0 the menu items labels are not shown correctly.

The code below is what we have been always had and worked perfectly. We're expecting to see a menu item in the Active Admin called "MODIFICACIONS EN DIRECTE". However, now it just takes it from the ":as" parameter thus the label shown es "Arribadas" (because it also pluralize it) and ignores completely the "menu :label => "MODIFICACION..."

ActiveAdmin.register ResultatProvisional, :as => 'arribada' do
  belongs_to :cursa, :finder => :find_by_slug, parent_class: Cursa
  before_action :left_sidebar!
  menu :label => "MODIFICACIONS EN DIRECTE", :priority => 1

  navigation_menu :cursa

Thanks in advance for your help,


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