vendredi 16 novembre 2018

Rails, strong parameters, and complex data structures

Good aftern, SO folks

I am strong parameterizing a Rails 3 application that we plan to upgrade to Rails 4. Some of the controllers use the params object to hold not just nested hashes, but hashes within arrays within hashes within arrays etc. Changing the nature of the data structure would be too intense, we want to ideally have it return the same data structure, but strong parameterized

Here's an example as JSON:

"my_example" => {
  "options" =>
   [{"id" => "1"
     "name" => "claire"
     "keywords" => 
       ["foo", "bar"]
    {"id" => "2",
      "name" => "marie",
      "keywords => 
    "wut" => "I know, right?"

But for added fun, the keywords array can contain any string. Which I've read about and which is tricky and supported in other versions of rails but whatever.

Are there any general rules of thumb about making complex data structures with the strong_parameters gem? I know that Rails 4 and 5 handle this better, but I'm curious.

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