samedi 10 mars 2018

rqrcode on ruby rails

I tried the example in this website:

to generate a qr code. there seems to be a problem with the 'require rqr-code' line which I have in the config/environment.rb file.

I checked that the gem is installed and it is. I removed the line 'require rqr-code' from the config/environment.rb file and then I get error 'uninitialized constant QrCodesController::RQRCode' at the controller:

 def create
    @qr =[:text],size:4)

when I re-add the line 'require rqr-code' and restart the rails server, I get the error - 'require': cannot load such file - rqrcode (LoadError).

I have been at this for some hours trying to figure out what it is. Thanks.

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