dimanche 15 octobre 2017

Same route name for POST, GET PUT, PATCH, Rails 5

I am using Devise and change its default routes like this:

devise_for :users, :path => '',skip: [:sessions]

as :user do
    get '/forgotten' => 'users/passwords#new', as: :password
    post '/forgotten' => 'users/passwords#create'
    put '/forgotten' => 'users/passwords#update'
    get '/password/edit' => 'users/passwords#edit'

The generated URL (form action attribute) for new.html.erb (view for sending email with new password instructions) is /forgotten.user, which is not correct. The correct URL is /forgotten and it is used with different HTTP verbs GET/POST/PUT. In request new password form (new.html.erb):

<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, 
             url: password_path(resource_name), html: { method: :post}) 

Without my custom routes with rake routes, I see for these routes:

user_password | PATCH | /password(.:format) | users/passwords#update

PUT | /password(.:format) | users/passwords#update

POST | /password(.:format) | users/passwords#create

How to make this route custom and used for different HTTP verbs ?

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