mardi 14 juin 2016

Querying Salesforce by Ruby to see entire output

I am trying to test Salesforce approval processes by using Ruby. When I am querying by ruby, I am using this query:

@restforce_client.query("SELECT #{@process_step_fields.join(',')} FROM ProcessInstanceStep WHERE ProcessInstance.TargetObjectID = '#{@opportunity_id}'").first

But this gives me just the one line of the output. The entire output should be :

enter image description here

By using this querry, I am just getting this response:

[#<Restforce::SObject ActorId="0053B000000Nf9xQAC" OriginalActorId="0053B000000Nf9xQAC" ProcessInstanceId="04g3B0000008rvQQAQ" StepNodeId=nil StepStatus="Started" attributes=#<Restforce::Mash type="ProcessInstanceStep" url="/services/data/v26.0/sobjects/ProcessInstanceStep/04h3B0000009AikQAE">>]

How can I revise this query to be able to get entire query?

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