lundi 25 avril 2016

Rails updating DB constantly (external values)

I would like to ask if there is any way how to update database from external source to my Rails DB constantly (every 1 hour)...

I was trying to do that but when i do that my DB is duplicated + added new files so is there any if statement where can i just add new values?

  • I'm pulling DB (JSON) from BitBucket(commits)
  • Then i'm saving that into my Rails DB and returning in view.
  • I tried for that use whenever gem.


class Bitbucket < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.savedata
    require 'bitbucket_rest_api'   
    bitbucket = login:'...', password:'...'
    repo = bitbucket.repos.commits.list '...', '...'
    repo["values"].each do |r|
        name: r["author"]["user"]["display_name"],
        message: r["message"],
        date: r["date"]

I have to run first in Rails console Bitbucket.connection then Bitbucket.savedata to save into DB.

Thanks for any advice and help.

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