I have a Rails app, where the user uploads a file and receives a flash[:notice] that his job is under process. So the analysis of this file is done in the background (I use Sidekiq) and what I am trying to do is to return a flash[:success] when the job completes (I use Sidekiq-status).
My thought was to check every x seconds the status of the job and when the completed flag is true, send the message.
require 'thread'
job_id = SomeWorker.perform_async(file)
flash[:notice] = "Job submitted."
Thread.new do
finished = Sidekiq::Status::complete? job_id
case finished
when true
flash[:success] = "Job finished."
when false
flash[:notice] = "Almost there.."
However it doesn't seem to get in the Thread loop, the last thing it sends is "Job submitted.", why is that? Is there a better practice to approach this? Thanks!
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