I have created a new Action Mailer that will allow me to be notified by email when someone clicks on the "Click to Connect" button. I'm following a tutorial and was able to successfully set up the connection with SendGrid on Heroku from my "contact us" button. Currently when I click the button it opens my computer's email app instead of triggering the SendGrip app.
<div class='container'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='col-md-3 text-center'>
<%= image_tag @user.profile.avatar.url, class: 'user-show-avatar' %>
<div class='col-md-6'>
<h1><%= @user.profile.first_name %></h1>
<h3><%= @user.profile.city %>, <%= @user.profile.state %>, <%= @user.profile.country %></h3>
<div class='well profile-block profile-description'>
<p><%= @user.profile.bio %></p>
<h4>Coding Languages</h4>
<p><%= @user.profile.coding_languages %></p>
<h4>Mentoring Needs</h4>
<p><%= @user.profile.mentoring_needs %></p>
</div class='connect_button'>
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block active" href="mailto:connections@jrdevmentoring.com" role="button">Click to Connect</a>
class ConnectionsMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default to: 'connections@jrdevmentoring.com'
def connection_email(name, email, body)
@name = name
@email = email
@body = body
mail(from: email, subject: 'Jr. Dev Mentoring Connect Form Message')
# Load the Rails application.
require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__)
# Initialize the Rails application.
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => 'smtp.sendgrid.net',
:port => '587',
:authentication => :plain,
:user_name => ENV['SENDGRID_USERNAME'],
:password => ENV['SENDGRID_PASSWORD'],
:domain => 'heroku.com',
:enable_startstls_auto => true
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