mercredi 29 avril 2015

spree footer never shows up

i can't display my footer. When I first installed, there wasn't any footer to begin with. Not sure if that's normal or not.

say i want this => 'spree/shared/_footer',
                     :name => 'footer',
                     :partial      => 'spree/shared/footer'

It doesn't show up. I go to app->views->layouts->application.html.erb and added <%= render 'spree/shared/footer' %> also tried <%= render partial: 'spree/shared/footer' %> nothing ever changes. BUT if i replace my header with my _footer file then I can see my footer. So this is a layout problem. Not sure why.

And I also tried => 'spree/shared/spree_application',
                     :name => 'footer',
                     :insert_after => 'div.container',
                     :partial      => 'spree/shared/footer'


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