vendredi 27 février 2015

Ruby on Rails Order By Using Associations

I currently have an order by working on my Ruby on Rails application so that on the Bookings index a user can order their bookings by show_date. This is done through the following in the bookings_controller:

def index
@bookings = Booking.joins(:showing).all.order(params.fetch(:sort, 'id asc'))

And the view code:

Order by:
<select name="sort">
<option value="show_date ASC">Show Date (Oldest First)</option>
<option value="show_date DESC">Show Date (Most Recent First)</option>

But what I want to do is enable the user to order by the film's title as well as the show date. I have tried to do this with this code:


Order by:
<select name="sort">
<option value="show_date ASC">Show Date (Oldest First)</option>
<option value="show_date DESC">Show Date (Most Recent First)</option>
<option value="title ASC">Film Title (A-Z)</option>
<option value="title DESC">Film Title (Z-A)</option>

And the bookings_controller:

def index
@bookings = Booking.joins(:showing, :film).all.order(params.fetch(:sort, 'id asc'))

But this doesn't work and I get the error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Bookings#index

SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: film:
SELECT "bookings".* FROM "bookings" INNER JOIN "showings" ON
"showings"."id" = "bookings"."showing_id" ORDER BY film ASC

I think it is because their isn't an association between bookings and film.


belongs_to :user
belongs_to :showing
delegate :screen, to: :showing


belongs_to :film
has_many :bookings
belongs_to :screen


has_many :showings
belongs_to :certificate
belongs_to :category

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