dimanche 20 juin 2021

Byebug does not pauses in controller in RSpec request spec

I have added byebug breakpoint in spec code and it pauses the code there.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "UsedCars", :type => :request do
  describe "POST /used_cars" do
    it "creates a used car ad" do  
      byebug # <- stop here  
      count = UsedCar.count
      post used_cars_path, used_car: attributes_for(:used_car)
      expect(UsedCar.count).to eq(count + 1)

But when I add the breakpoint in the controller-action method of the request being tested. it does not stop there. I have even tried it in the top-level before_filter for application_controller.


def create
   byebug # <- does not stop here

Even in the application_controller.rb

# top before_filter
before_fitler :stop

def stop
   byebug # does not even stop here

I am using Rails 3 with ruby 2.2.8

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