jeudi 15 avril 2021

Error while running bundle exec rake db:create couldn't create database in rails 3

bundle exec rake db:create NOTE: Gem::Specification#has_rdoc= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2018-12-01. Gem::Specification#has_rdoc= called from /Users/priyanka/Documents/GitHub/helpkit/vendor/gems/delayed_job/delayed_job.gemspec:17. You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash#name defined at /Users/priyanka/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/omniauth-1.3.2/lib/omniauth/auth_hash.rb:34. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method. You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method OmniAuth::Strategy::Options#store defined in Hash. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method. Called 'load_file' without the :safe option -- defaulting to safe mode. You can avoid this warning in the future by setting the SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:default_mode] option (to :safe or :unsafe). /Users/priyanka/Documents/GitHub/helpkit/lib/omniauth/strategies/google_oauth2.rb:6: warning: already initialized constant OmniAuth::Strategies::GoogleOauth2::DEFAULT_SCOPE /Users/priyanka/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/omniauth-google-oauth2-0.1.13/lib/omniauth/strategies/google_oauth2.rb:8: warning: previous definition of DEFAULT_SCOPE was here [mysql_127.0.0.1:3306] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61) Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql2", "encoding"=>"utf8", "database"=>"helpkit1", "pool"=>5, "host"=>"", "username"=>"root", "password"=>nil, "reconnect"=>true, "semian"=>{"enable"=>false, "success_threshold"=>3, "error_threshold"=>3, "error_timeout"=>20, "bulkhead"=>false, "dryrun"=>false}, "shard_names"=>["shard_1", "sandbox_shard_1"]}, charset: utf8, collation: utf8_unicode_ci (if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation) [mysql_127.0.0.1:3306] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61) Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql2", "encoding"=>"utf8", "database"=>"helpkit_test_rails3", "host"=>"", "username"=>"root", "password"=>nil, "reconnect"=>true, "semian"=>{"enable"=>false, "success_threshold"=>3, "error_threshold"=>3, "error_timeout"=>20, "bulkhead"=>false, "dryrun"=>false}, "shard_names"=>["shard_1"]}, charset: utf8, collation: utf8_unicode_ci (if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)

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