mardi 6 octobre 2020

Problem with nio4r gem: An error occurred while installing nio4r (1.2.1), and Bundler cannot continue

Hi everyone I have just started using ruby ​​on rails I have a problem when I go to effect "bundle update" gives me this error:

"An error occurred while installing nio4r (1.2.1), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that gem install nio4r -v '1.2.1' succeeds before bundling. "In Gemfile: devise_token_auth was resolved to 0.1.40, which depends on rails was resolved to 5.0.0, which depends on actioncable was resolved to 5.0.0, which depends on nio4r

Ruby version:2.3.0

I tried to run various commands like:

bundle config build.nio4r --with-cflags="-std=c99" brew update

but they didn't work

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