lundi 30 décembre 2019

expose array of objects elements inside the parent object in RAILS

I want to expose subBranches inside array of objects to the parent object as mentioned in Convert To section.

The actual array of objects is :

Original Data :

    "ServiceTypeID": 3,
    "ChildCount": 0,
    "IsSelect": 0,
    "subBranches": [
        "ServiceTypeID": 13,
        "ChildCount": 0,
        "IsSelect": 0
        "ServiceTypeID": 14,
        "ChildCount": 0,
        "IsSelect": 0
        "ServiceTypeID": 15,
        "ChildCount": 0,
        "IsSelect": 0


Convert to (basically expose subBranches to parent object):

This is the expected response :

    "ServiceTypeID": 3,
    "ChildCount": 0,
    "IsSelect": 0,
    "ServiceTypeID": 13,
    "ChildCount": 0,       
    "IsSelect": 0,
    "ServiceTypeID": 14,
    "ChildCount": 0,
    "IsSelect": 0,
    "ServiceTypeID": 15,
    "ChildCount": 0,
    "IsSelect": 0

How do I get This JSON?

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