mercredi 30 janvier 2019

js.erb file not getting triggered

I have three files: Controller:

   def index
    @filterrific = initialize_filterrific(
      select_options: {},
      persistence_id: 'shared_key',
      default_filter_params: {},
      available_filters: [ :dictionary_word_filter ]
    ) || return

    @dictionaries = @filterrific.find.limit(30)

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html {render layout: false}
      format.js {render layout: false}


= form_for_filterrific @filterrific do |f|
        Filter Word
        = f.text_field :dictionary_word_filter
  = render_filterrific_spinner
= render(partial: '/test/list', locals: { dictionaries: @dictionaries })


<% alert("hi"); %>
<% console.log('working Mannnnn') %>
<%  js = escape_javascript(render(partial: '/test/list', locals: { dictionaries: @dictionaries })) %>
$("#filterrific_results").html("<%= js %>");

The Index.js.erb is not getting triggered. Every time the page loads, its should run the Index.js.erb and show the alert and the console.log and the show the html right?

I am here using filterrific gem for filtration purpose but the index.js.erb file never gets triggered.

Even i have includes the js format in my controller. How should it be ? am i doing something wrong?

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