mercredi 19 décembre 2018

Rspec 3.8, request spec, unable to set route with id

In the request spec for the show method i want to test the route cars/:id. If i write the path like the following i get a redirect to my root exception.

 describe '#show' do
  let(:car) {create :car}

it 'renders a partial' do
  get car_url(
  #get car_url,
  expect(response).to render_template(:template)

=> expecting <"template"> but was a redirect to <>

When i change get car_url, with get cars to test the #index method everything works fine. But i do not see myself able to add a id parameter to the route.

In the console the app object gives me:

irb(main):001:0> app.car_url(2)                                                                                                                                                     
=> ""

so the route is there. The factory is also a valid object saved to the database.

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