dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Running Ruby On Rails "RubyMine" Array values in the parameter to `Gem.paths=` are deprecated

Ruby on rails, i have a problem every time i'm trying to run the project on RubyMine it gives me this error : Array values in the parameter to Gem.paths= are deprecated. Please use a String or nil. An Array ({"GEM_PATH"=>["C:/Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0", "C:/Users/AM/.gem/ruby/2.4.0"]}) was passed in from D:/Projects/Ruby-on-Rails-4-Getting-Started-master/bin/rails:3:in load' C:/Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/bundler-1.15.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:87:inblock in materialize': Could not find json-1.8.3 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound), and i've tried almost all the solutions available ??

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