jeudi 12 janvier 2017

How to - Allow users to edit their uploaded data,without affecting same data already present on production in Rails 4+

The question might not seem accurate but this is what is want...

i am bit confused as how i should handle this scenario,where i have a website made on Rails 4.4,where users can exhibit their property for sale.

This is the use case -

  1. I have a website where user provides data,pictures of their properties by signing up and uploading it.
  2. The admin then verifies the data and asks the user that can we make the data live and then makes it Live which is nothing but production.

    ===========Here comes my scenario=======

  3. User can also come back to edit and add new data that they have uploaded,for example they want to add new picture or update an address of their property.

  4. HOW CAN I ALLOW USERS TO EDIT THE DATA,(which is Live).??????

Should i maintain two seperate databases - one for read only and Live Other one only for edit ..which is exactly replica of Live.

So even if i make two databases,How will i update the Updated data and add it in the production.

I just want the user to be free to edit their data which is Live Hope i am making myself clear :).

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