samedi 19 novembre 2016

Trying to Execute Ruby Code for the first time.



Took only 2 intro course on Java 7 years ago.

So I was browsing GitHub and ran across this nifty project that deals with scraping & applying for jobs on

The question is, how do you run it? Here is what I tried to do:

Tried to execute I figured I was doing something wrong after getting:

/home/shap/Desktop/job-hunter-master/applier.rb:19:in initialize': uninitialized constant JobApplier::Job (NameError) from /home/shap/Desktop/job-hunter-master/applier.rb:169:innew' from /home/shap/Desktop/job-hunter-master/applier.rb:169:in `'

Something was missing, so looking around I found the bin folder and tried executing /bin/ but i ran into this error:

== Preparing database == /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/railties- database_configuration': Cannot loadRails.application.database_configuration`: Could not load database configuration. No such file - ["config/database.yml"] (RuntimeError)

Are we supposed to generate our own database file? how would we do that?

Any help or even a push in the right path is deeply appreciated.

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