dimanche 31 mai 2015

Unable to run LOOPS within Javascript Ruby on Rails View

Executive Summary

  1. Question 1: What is the value of providing local variables to a render, when they can access the instance objects in the controller?

  2. Issue: I can NOT run a ruby loop within my _error.js.erb file. The goal of this loop is to provide DIRECT output to a $("#error_explanation") id regarding all of the

  3. I was able to run the various other jquery commands as illustrated below.

  4. I am able to run straight JQUERY commands leveraging ruby.

Dear Friends,

In my create controller, i have a

format.js { render "_error.js.erb", locals: {post: @post, errors: @post.errors.messages}  }

In my VIEW _error.js.erb, i have 3 JQUERY queries, two of them work, but the third does not work.

This Works. $("#error_explanation").append('<%= j pluralize(post.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this secret from being saved: <p>');

This Works. $("#error_explanation").append('<%= post.errors.full_messages_for(:title) %>');

This Does NOT Work. $("#error_explanation").append('
    <% post.errors.messages.each do |error| %>
     <%= j error %>
    <% end %>');

I can only assume that it is because of my loop? Can I not perform loops in my javascript (js.erb) code?

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