Hi i'm try to check search engine's performance of my ROR application. I have 4 search input forms : title, content, created_on (date) and updated_on (date) I want to check performace of search depending on the presence or absence of an index. (in my case, index presence on created_on and absence on updated_on)
My controller of Post
def index
search_start_time = Time.now
@posts = Post.search(params[:title], params[:content], params[:created_on], params[:updated_on])
# this line for check performance of search
puts Time.now - search_start_time
My schema
create_table 'posts', force: :cascade do |t|
t.string 'title', null: false
t.string 'content', null: false
t.date 'created_on', null: false, index: true
t.date 'updated_on', null: false
In my post.rb, i maked search method like this
def self.search(title, content, started_on, finished_on)
"title LIKE ? AND content LIKE ? AND CAST(started_on AS text) LIKE ? AND CAST(finished_on AS text) LIKE ?",
"%#{title}%", "%#{content}%", "%#{started_on}%", "%#{finished_on}%"
With my code, i performance but there were not big difference with search performance of "indexed" and "not indexed" columns.
Is there a problem with my code? Or does the index not affect the search results? The number of records is 10 million, and an indexed column always comes out similar to the speed of an unindexed column.
I tried to change my search method like this ->
def self.search(title = '', content = '', started_on = '', finished_on = '')
But there was not difference.