I am developing a website for different characters(or Roles) to use by using Ruby on Rails. Ruby: 2.6.0, Rails:5.2.2, Devise.
I want to create a webpage to show different country names. In 'index' page, it will show 'France', 'Switzerland' and 'China'. For different characters(or Roles), they have different permissions, ex: "Global Manager" can click 'France', 'Switzerland', 'China'; "Asia Manager" can only click 'China', and show 'No Permission!' if clicking 'France' or 'Switzerland'.
What I am trying now is using 'if...elsif...else' in 'index.html.erb' and 'countrycheck.html' with conditions of different email address domain. The problem I met is: I login in as 'test01@france.com'(Global Manager). I can see three countries' names in index page(correct), but I get the same page for 'France' title no matter which country I click. I know the error is because in my code 'france.com' matches 'France' page.
How to modify the codes? Is there any better way to realize the functionality? Thanks!
<% if current_user.email.split("@").last == "france.com" && current_user.character != "Global Manager"%>
<li><%= link_to "France", "http://localhost:3000/countrycheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<% elsif current_user.email.split("@").last == "switzerland.com" && current_user.character != "Global Manager"%>
<li><%= link_to "Switzerland", "http://localhost:3000/countrycheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<% elsif current_user.email.split("@").last == "china.com" && current_user.character != "Global Manager"%>
<li><%= link_to "China", "http://localhost:3000/countrycheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<% elsif current_user.character == "Global Manager"%>
<li><%= link_to "France", "http://localhost:3000/countrycheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<li><%= link_to "Switzerland", "http://localhost:3000/countrycheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<li><%= link_to "China", "http://localhost:3000/maisoncheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<% else %>
<li><%= link_to "Other Countries", "http://localhost:3000/maisoncheck.html", :class => "choices" %></li>
<% end %>
<% if current_user.email.split("@").last == "france.com" %>
<h1><%= link_to "France", "#"%></h1>
<iframe>some iframe information related to France</iframe>
<% elsif current_user.email.split("@").last == "switzerland.com" %>
<h1><%= link_to "Switzerland", "#"%></h1>
<iframe>some iframe information related to Swizterland</iframe>
<% elsif current_user.email.split("@").last == "china.com" %>
<h1><%= link_to "China", "#"%></h1>
<iframe>some iframe information related to China</iframe>
<% else %>
<iframe> other countries iframe information </iframe>
<% end %>
class CountryController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
before_action :check_admin
def index
@users = User.all
def show
@users = User.all
def countrycheck
if current_user
flash[:alert] = "No permission!"
redirect_to "http://localhost:3000/country.html"
def check_admin
unless current_user.character == "Global Manager" || "Regional Manager"
flash[:alert] = "No permission!"
redirect_to "http://localhost:3000/introduction.html"